In the News
¿Qué novedades podemos encontrar en la Feria del Libro de El Bronx?
Melissa Coss Aquino, vocera del comité organizador de la feria, explicó que el evento se enfoca en llevar libros a lectores y proporcionar servicios a los escritores.
Lanzaran versión en español de libro infaltil “mi globo amarillo” en feria del libro del Bronx
REVISTA 110, BRONX, NUEVA YORK- Tiffany Papageorge, la aclamada autora del inspirador libro para niños, My Yellow Balloon, se está acercando a un público más amplio al lanzar una versión en español de su obra.....
Lanzan versión en español de ‘My Yellow Balloon’
“Vivir en un estado diverso y trabajar en escenarios con una rica variedad de representaciones culturales, estoy encantada de poder conectar aún más con los niños y familias de habla hispana al poder ofrecer My Yellow Balloon en español”, dijo Papageorge....
KATU TV—Portland
Tiffany Papageorge, author of the new book My Yellow Balloon, joined us to talk about how her book can help children open up and heal through the power of story.
Foreword Reviews Magazine
My Yellow Balloon was featured on the cover and throughout the issue of Foreword Reviews Spring 2015.
Boy loves balloon. Boy loses balloon. Boy breaks down, grief stricken. Slowly, heartbreakingly, skies clear and boy learns to smile again.
How it all began
It all started in ninth grade (and I won’t say how many years ago that was for me…). My English teacher, Ms. Cannon, taught a “Death and Dying” unit for our class. The unit culminated in one final project, where we could choose one of 15 exercises. I chose the last one: 15) Write a children’s book explaining death to them.
I was the only person in the class to choose number fifteen.
San Jose Mercury News Group
Ms. Papageorge has transformed her middle school essay into an award-winning children’s book. With its depiction of a child who must learn to deal with loss and letting go, “My Yellow Balloon” is helping readers young and old navigate significant transformations in their own lives.
The Hellenic Journal
My Yellow Balloon was featured on the cover of The Hellenic Journal in November 2015. The feature article can be found by clicking the link below.