Loss is inevitable. Learning about loss is vital.
““I recently invited Tiffany to provide professional development sessions for the elementary school teachers in my district. The teachers found her sessions informative, engaging, and inspiring. They left her sessions with a renewed energy and equipped with tools to better meet the social-emotional needs of their students. If your district values social-emotional learning then I would strongly consider bringing in Tiffany to work with your teachers and staff. They will find it useful, practical, and will leave with a better understanding of their students’ social-emotional needs as well as real strategies to use with their students.””
The Unspoken Impact of Loss upon Learning
How to Reach and teach Children who are Experiencing Loss and Grief
Beginning Class and Advanced Class
Loss impacts the classroom in overt and hidden ways. When a child is grieving or experiencing loss it can become impossible to take in what they are being taught in any sort of meaningful way. They can’t hear, process, comprehend or understand. How can they perform or be tested on what they haven’t been able to learn? Teachers are on the front lines every day with few tools to help their students who are experiencing loss.
As a Certified Grief Worker, Ms. Papageorge brings not only awareness and understanding in her professional development trainings, she brings tangibles that teachers can use immediately. Often when we don’t know what to say we tend to say nothing. After going through this in-service, teachers walk away confident knowing what to say and what to do in order to help and support their students both emotionally and academically.
Every loss, whether large or small, is an opportunity to help a child understand the natural process of loss and that they will get through it. Helping them understand their feelings and providing support, guides them through their pain and builds resiliency that will serve them throughout their lives. As schools across the country develop and implement social-emotional learning programs, Ms. Papageorge will also offer ideas on how My Yellow Balloon can support these important initiatives.